Getting your body ready for a big race comes down to two equally important factors – the training and the recovery. Fortunately, Zen plays an integral part in both. Here are the top 5 tips on how Zen’s ambassador and Ultraman World Record Holder & World Champion Richard Thompson uses Zen in his training and recovery:
1. Pre-Training
Your body is cold and not really willing to move freely. I have found this to be the best time to apply Zen on the key muscle groups being used in that training session. By improving circulation, I find that it gently wakes up the muscle groups which allows me to be ready for whatever that workout throws at me!
2. Throughout Training
My training sessions last anywhere from 60mins to 8 hours at one time, so there are always going to be niggles throughout that I do not anticipate. Carrying a small roll on of Zen is the answer for me. Whether its joint pain, muscle soreness or even spasms, putting Zen in my back pocket or at the end of the pool deck, allows me the opportunity to manage these niggles on the go which in turn allows me to complete each session as planned.
3. Post Training
When the body falls in a heap, exhausted from the training – this is Zen’s prime time. Even if I am niggle free (which I currently am, touch wood), I will have a quick shower post session and then apply the Zen spray over the major muscle groups to allow the recovery process to be done properly.
4. Massage
As a professional athlete, I have the fortunate (or unfortunate depending on how you look at it) opportunity to be on the massage table every week. My long-term massage therapist – Tony Logan-Stevens, uses Zen spray throughout each deep tissue massage which is integral to staying injury free and allowing consistency to prevail. Tony is a massive advocate for Zen as well, using it on all his patients.
5. Pre-Sleep Routine
Sleep is undoubtedly the biggest performance enhancer and through the use of a sleep tracking device that shows my sleeping data, if I apply Zen 30mins prior to sleep, not only is that helping my muscle aches, but it is more often than not, it paves the way for a more restful sleep.
So, what are you waiting for? Get yourself a roll on, a spray or gel of Zen and train and recover like the pros!
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